Shockwave Therapy
No Pain, More Gain!
Shock waves are audible high-energy sound waves. In the medical world, shock waves have been used since 1980. In modern pain therapy, low-energy shock waves are applied to the painful body regions where they can exert their curative action. Shock waves can accelerate the healing process in the body, they stimulate metabolism and improve blood circulation where damaged tissue can regenerate and fully heal.

How Is It Performed?
The provider will take your health history and locate the pain region in your body through palpation. After discussing the findings with you, they will then apply a skin gel to the treatment area, which will allow the shockwaves to be introduced to the body without the loss of energy. After applying the gel, shock waves will be applied; as the therapy head is moved over the pain region in a circular motion.
How Successful Is The Therapy?
Many patients report pain relief or significant pain reduction after only 1-2 sessions. This therapy will help improve your quality of life, as it eliminates pain and/or restores full mobility.
Treatment Areas
- Achillodynia (Achilles tendon pain)
- Calcific Tendonitis (Calcareous shoulder)
- Lateral/ Medial Epicondylitis (Tennis or Golfer’s elbow)
- Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knees)
- Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Spur)
- Tibial stress syndrome
- Lumbago (lower back pain)
- Pseudoarthrosis – Jones fracture, navicular bone (scaphoid)
- Calf muscles
- Cervical syndrome
- Dorsalgia
- Thigh muscle
- Trochanteric tendinopathy

Shock Wave Treatment of Epicondylitis (Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow)
The epicondylitis is a painful irritation of the tendons of forearm muscles. Typical is a circumscribed tenderness over the muscle attachment at the elbow and pain is precipitated or amplified upon actuation of these muscles. Depending on the location the epicondylitis is called tennis or golfer’s elbow.

Shock Wave Treatment of Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knees)
Patellar Tendonitis, also known as Jumper’s Knee, occurs when the patellar tendon becomes inflamed. It occurs mostly on one leg and causes pain at the bottom of the knee cap (patella).

Shock Wave Treatment of Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splint)
Shin Splint (tibial stress syndrome) is a painful sensation in the shins that normally occurs after exercise. Shin Splint most likely occurs to athletes who make quick direction changes in their sport, but also in those who are untrained (ex. change in footwear, after weight gain).

Shock Wave Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Spur)
Heel spur is a bony spur on the heel bone, which can occur on the rear or bottom of the sole. The lower heel spur is commonly associated with the inflammation of the Plantar tendon on the soles, which is called Plantar Fasciitis.

Shock Wave Treatment of Achilles Tendon Pain (Achillodynia)
Achillodynia is a pain syndrome of the Achilles tendon, which begins at the calf muscles and infringes on the heel bone. The cause of the Achillodynia is a local, mostly chronic overuse of the Achilles tendon.

Shock wave treatment of Calcific Tendonitis (Calcareous shoulder)
Calcific Tendonitis can occur when calcium deposits are found in tendons and tendon insertions. Most likely the muscle in the shoulder, called the supraspinatus, is infected. Due to the reduced blood flow that is created, acute inflammatory disorders occur, which can be mostly felt at night or at rest.

Shock wave treatment of Lumbago (lower back pain)
Trigger points are hypersensitive areas in a palpable tense bundle of muscle fibers. These points cause pain during movements, and even sometimes during rest. Normally, they radiate pain throughout the back.

Call or Email to make an appointment.
Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Pirnia to find out if you can benefit from Shockwave Therapy. Call us at 905-417-2888 today to make your appointment.